Word on the Street Issue 46, August 2024
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– Julie Loomis
How life is,
a pitiful state.
It gives no reason,
to mess around with fate.
It’s a web of loneliness,
with a black widow at bay.
draws you slowly in,
you become its prey.
In a dark corner,
your life’s blood is drawn.
You become a vacuum,
another man’s pawn.
No will of your own,
no one really cares,
you’ll crumble and die;
since no one dares.
To defy this fate,
by giving a smile.
All you needed was a friend;
to laugh for a while.
But life is a waste,
with sorrow and hate.
Damn it all, go to sleep,
you have made your fate.
The razor was your friend,
The black widow was the hate.
One fought the other,
Everyone was too late.
You’ve made you last stand,
as the red blood falls.
You’ll never be lonely,
You hear the last echoes of the halls.
Your body grows weak,
as your light grows dark.
No more will tears stream;
you hear the song of the lark.
Goodbye cruel world,
where no one was nice.
They’ll notice you now,
and next time, maybe they’ll think twice.

By: Molly Nunamaker
In the deafening silence, all your thoughts become violent.
Losing all control, thoughts and mind
falling behind and heart beating in time,
The more it transpires, the more I am inspired
by the madness,
Breaking away from the sadness
In stillness
By: Lord Deadeyes
A still beating heart is
louder than emotions, and emotions
speak louder than words.
That all stops when the heart’s
beating stops, when life’s colors fade,
when all motion stops.
That what happens when
the beating heart stops
By: Shyloh
Tiny mushrooms, little acorns, baby saplings, and sticks for wooden benches.
Delicate flowers, morning dew, and fresh picked berries ripened.
Little fairy, oh so fairly decorated by nature’s vibrant hues
Delicate shades of red and purples, gently mixed with tinges of blues
With the wings of dragonflies, free as butterflies, dancing through mosses and ferns
Tip toeing with elegance, grace, and beauty
From nature a fairy does learn