TIME IS CRITICAL! Two contradictory bills were recently introduced to Idaho legislature:
Senate Bill 1141 proposes a statewide ban on unauthorized public “camping” or sleeping in Idaho, effectively criminalizing homelessness. SB 1141 passed the Senate (28 in favor, 8 opposed) and passed the House State Affairs Committee (13 in favor, 2 opposed).
Senate Bill 1166 which proposes new restrictions on the siting and expansion of homeless shelters in cities with populations over 100,000. It would prohibit new shelters from being built within 300 feet of residentially zoned areas and prevent existing shelters from expanding operations if they do not meet these new restrictions. This bill specifically targets the State Street Shelter. We anticipate the hearing for SB 1166 will be the week of March 24, 2025. More details forthcoming.
WE MUST STOP SB 1141 and SB 1166 from going into effect.
Together, these bills criminalize homelessness but also prevent shelters from providing expanding services to meet the growing need in our community.