By: Chris Alvarez and Nicki Vogel
“One Life “ The movie was an amazing movie!
I’m Critter and I’m Nicki and we’re: CRICKI MOVIE REVIEWS!
CRITTER: We were told to watch this movie by a really really good friend and, like everytime someone suggests a movie, you sort of brush it off and get to it later.
NICKI: I made us watch it a day after the suggestion! Lol.
CRITTER: I’m glad she made us watch it because the movie was actually very moving! It’s about a man named Sir Nicholas ‘Nicky’ Winton,, who rescued 669 children from Nazis from the invasion of Poland.
NICKI: We both literally teared up during more than one moment of the movie.
CRITTER: One Life takes you through the process of how Winton was able to transport all those children from Poland and have them fostered by London Families until the war was over.
NICKI: It culminates to a beautiful ending which we will not say but let’s just say that you’ll be crying and…IT’S ALL TRUE.
CRITTER: Yep, it’s a true story! Check it out as soon as you can and you won’t regret it!