Word on the Street Issue 23, July 2022

Dish-cussions and Soul-utions
The Boise City/Ada County Homeless Coalition and the Boise Faith Group will host monthly panel discussions this summer to identify gaps that exist in the homeless service system, learn from people experiencing homelessness locally, and discuss what people can do to help.
The panel series kicked off on June 26 at First Congregational United Church of Christ in Boise. Nathan Harvey and Gerri Graves shared their experiences living in the shelter system while waiting for access to housing. Graves, an artist and former resident of Boise’s North End, gave up her home in order to qualify for the medical care she needs to stay healthy. She spoke about her decision to seek shelter and the importance of treating people like human beings.
Harvey grew up in the foster care system and has experienced homelessness off and on his entire life. He is a graduate of Interfaith Sanctuary’s Project Recovery, works as a caregiver, and is studying to be a nurse. He recently found housing after a long search and spoke about the barriers created by landlord discrimination. July’s panel discussion will take place on July 24 at Collister United Methodist Church in Boise after the scheduled service. Visit www.homelesscoalitionboise.com or www.facebook.com/BoiseFaithGroup for more information.