Word on the Street Issue 13, August 2021:
Finding Shelter and Stability

By Nathan
I want to tell the world about the unfairness I had to endure my entire life. I grew up in foster homes when I was younger. I never stayed in one place longer than a year. I had to move around and always try to make new friends, and it was hard for me because I am not easy to trust people. I would tell my friends that I might move tomorrow, but I will hang out with you today. I think that’s unfair. I spent some time on the streets when I was younger in fear that I’d have to move. I don’t think I deserved moving all the time. I had some stability after I aged out of foster care, but I had to deal with roommates taking advantage of me getting money from the state. Instead of bailing them out, I should have saved some money. If I did, maybe I wouldn’t be homeless now.
I want the world to know that I am a good person and that I like helping people. That is why I want to become a nurse. The shelter is helping me get on my feet, and I plan to go to school in the fall. The first class I am going to attend is English 101, which is writing and rhetoric. This is one of the prerequisite classes I need in order to get into the nursing program. I only have seven more classes to go before I apply.
Taking Back My Own Story

By Sarah
I was a dental assistant for 14 years. During this time, I had feelings of inadequacy. I became addicted to drugs. Then, I started in restaurants where alcoholism really took over, bringing me here, homeless and in recovery. I am learning to live and know what sober life is with a support group from the good people of Interfaith Sanctuary. I dream of being able to support myself and be happy. I deserve to be happy.
My favorite food is tacos. And my favorite music is punk – Cure, Blink 182, Depeche Mode. One of the most beautiful places I’ve been is Victoria, Canada. We took the ferry through the San Juan Islands. Right now, I am in my third month of Interfaith’s Project Recovery. I dream of a strong female being set in store.
This community means unconditional love and structure. I lack this structure out in the streets. My goals once I complete the program are to have the self confidence and resources to support myself and be an example for others who have had like struggles, and to learn to be self-sufficient. I recently started working at a hotel in Boise.