By Viola Crowley

In my darkest hour, you have abandoned me.
When I needed you the most, where were you?
Not by my side, not holding me tight, not comforting me.
I was left alone to feel abandoned and unloved, exhausted and frustrated, desperate and hopeless.
I begged you to come to me but instead you turned your back on me.
In my weakest moment, I confessed my honest need for you, for you to be there for me, to embrace me, to make me feel whole again.
I bare my soul to you and weep, only to hear my own sobs echoing in the emptiness that you left in your wake.
Why have you abandoned me?
What did I do to deserve this feeling that things between us are not the way they should be and probably never will be?
Instead of facing the morning rested, renewed and ready to face the day, I feel a strong desire to curl up within myself to never emerge again.
No matter how much I love you, it’s never enough, nor will it ever be enough.