One of the struggles in operating a homeless shelter is making sure we are giving our guests what they need – as well as the hard work of figuring out how we are going to afford it. That’s where our amazing community shines their light brightest. It seems each time we have a need, there is a partner out there ready to help us.
This past month one of our driers caught on fire and was destroyed. This particular dryer was dedicated to our guests for their laundry needs. We had not budgeted for a new drier but it was clear that it was going to need to be replaced.
Todd Boothe at RC Willey has been a dear friend, and supporter, of the shelter for years. One email to Todd explaining what had happened and he immediately got to work finding and delivering us a new drier.
While he was at it, he made a call to one of his friends at Sony and asked if they might be able to donate a large screen television to the shelter so our guests could enjoy movie nights on the weekend. And, sure enough, on the same truck that brought our new drier, there was a 65″ Sony television.
This past Saturday our guests selected Horton Hears a Who to watch as their first movie on their new tv.
Todd is always so quick to say yes and he work miracles for us. We are so very grateful. Thank you Todd Boothe and RC Willey for taking such good care of us!