By: Julie Loomis
Word on the Street Issue 46, August 2024
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That is a good question and the answer is that we don’t get to know the person behind the transgender. Media, movies and politicians show the flamboyant drag queen in all her glory as a monster in makeup. They want you to believe that they are deplorable and like children. Now I am not saying that some may be bad yet the real monsters are normal criminals. Transgender is a condition that can be fixed by allowing the person the right to become who they were meant to be. I have been lucky to have as friends transgenders. They wake up and are more scared of you.
Since the laws against transgenders have increased so have the hate crimes. We in Idaho have tried to cut out the medications that will help them achieve their ideal identity. My friends have a hard time getting jobs and can lead to becoming homeless. Some are just out of high school and their family kicked them out. They don’t choose to be the opposite gender they were born with.
If you want to read more about that please read my last article on transgender rights in the June WOTS Edition.
This is more of a rant and I have to do something so here I am writing this story. My friend and many other transgenders that are too poor to cover the cost of their hormones will have to find other ways to get the medicine they need. This will cause trauma that can lead to destructive behaviors and more teenagers committing suicide. Is this how you protect all children? Making them go to a bathroom where the righteous bullies can beat them up? It is painful to a transgender individual to be referred to as the wrong sex. We need to find a way to help homeless or poor transgender folk so they can be themselves.
So the monster isn’t one person, it is using your political clout to pass arcane laws against a minority. The political machine spouts out hate and is seriously dividing our country. We need to stand up to this injustice and change it back.
Our nation is great, just too many people saying they want to put us minorities back in ghettos or closets. Everyone has the right to live the way that will make them healthy and happy. Do better Idaho and come out of the dark age.