Press room: Interfaith Sanctuary in the news!
April 14, 2017: Thank you Boise State Public Radio for the follow up on Cooper’s Court and how Boise is handling issues of homelessness, with Interfaith Sanctuary accompanying our most vulnerable guests to help them in various ways:
April 7, 2017: Thank you KIVI-TV Lacey Darrow for the report on our groundbreaking Parks and Rec work program:
April 5, 2016: Thank you KIVI-TV Tammy Scardino for this awesome coverage previewing Gimme Shelter at The Record Exchange!
April 5, 2017: Thank you Boise State Public Radio and Samantha Wright for the wonderful reporting on our shelter’s work program and more:
April 4, 2017: Thank you Idaho Statesman for reporting on our April 6th Gimme Shelter at The Record Exchange!
March 26, 2017: Thank you KIVI-TV and Tammy Scardino for reporting on The Creative Good Benefit Dinner and Auction coming up on April 20 starting at 6 p.m. at The Owyhee:
March 21, 2017: Thank you Idaho Statesman for the article about Parks and Rec and our guests:
March 21, 2017: Thank you Boise Weekly for this great article on our Parks and Rec program:
March 21, 2017: Thank you Melissa and Kindness & Hope for this article!
March 16, 2017: Thank you Idaho Statesman for mentioning Gimme Shelter at the Record Exchange:
March 10, 2017: Thank you Boise Weekly for putting our Gimme Shlter event on the calendar:
February 18, 2017: Thank you Morgan Boydston and KTVB for spreading the word on This Is My Brave and Jodi Peterson’s involvement:
February 13, 2017: Thank you “Kindness & Hope” blog and Melissa for this amazing article on Interfaith Sanctuary:
February 13, 2017: Thank you Jen Austin and Mix 106 for talking about This Is My Brave:
February 10, 2017: Thank you Idaho Statesman for our Yoga for Good mention!
February 9, 2017: Thank you Michelle Jenkins and Idaho Statesmen, we are blown away at the already generous giving of these items from the initial newscasts of this call out:
January 31, 2017: Thank you Idaho Statesman for mentioning the great donation from The Holmans of Holman Transportation of Caldwell, Idaho:
January 30, 2017: Thank you Boise Weekly for sharing our coloring and coughing remedy and needs:
January 23, 2017: Thank you KTVB TV Channel 7 for sharing our shelter needs:
January 23, 2017: Thank you KBOI Channel 2 and Jeff Platt for sharing our immediate needs:
January 18, 2017: Thank you Meridian Press for the shout our for the #snowpocalypse2017 badge – we get 20% of all proceeds
January 16, 2017: Thank you Idaho Statesman Katy Moeller for reporting on this fundraiser that is SO COOL, #Snowpocalypse2017
January 5, 2017: Thank you Star-News for the great article on the EMPWR Coats donated by Sherry and Bob Holman of Holman Transportation Co. of Caldwell, Idaho! These coats are amazing, sewn and stitched by homeless women in Detroit from materials upcycled by Carhartt and General Motors!

January 2, 2017: Thank you Idaho Press for the great mention about the thoughtful EMPWR Coat donation from Holman Transportation Services of Caldwell, ID.:
December 29, 2016: Thank you Scott Logan and KBOI-TV for covering the EMPWR Coats from Holman Transportation in Caldwell, Interfaith Sanctuary received 50 of them for our most resistant homeless who are afraid to come in any shelter for a host of reasons:
December 28, 2016: Thank you Morgan Boydston and KTVB-TV for covering this incredible donation of the EMPWR Coats from the Holman Transportation Co.
December 20, 2016: Thank you Idaho Statesman and Michelle Jenkins for announcing our first “Best of Boise” silent auction restaurant, club and hotel baskets from Chandler’s and Hotel 43, Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse, Press & Pony craft cocktail bar and Boise Fry Co., The Matador, Bodovino, Bardenay, Fresh Off The Hook, Cottonwood Grille, Red Feather, BBQ4Life, Guru Donuts and amazing bird houses made by artists such as Ward Hooper, Karen Bubb, Michael Baltzell, Kirsten Furlong, Amy Granger and more!
December 19, 2016: Thank you Jen Austin and Mix 106 FM for sharing the news-we are SOLD OUT for the Xtreme! Again! 11 years counting!
December 19, 2016: Thank you to KTVB TV and Morgan Boydston for reporting on the crib shortage at the Shelter, we need new cribs for the new babies!
December 18, 2016: Thank you KIVI TV 6 on Your Side and Tammy Scardino for reporting on our sold-out Xtreme Xtravaganza and our STEP program that is working to rebuild lives and get people out of homelessness.
December 16, 2016: Thank you Steve Logan and KBOI TV for sharing the news we are opening earlier because of the freezing weather:
December 14, 2016: Thank you Katy Moeller and Idaho Statesman for sharing how this weekend’s blast of freezing polar air will put our most vulnerable Boiseans at risk, but you can help by donating sweats, boots and outwear or giftcards to Interfaith Sanctuary:
December 14, 2016: Thank you to George Prentice and Boise Weekly for the feature on the “Ghosts of Past, Present and Future” of Cooper Court and a thoughtful piece featuring Jodi Peterson of Interfaith Sanctuary:
December 13, 2016: Thank you Idaho Statesman and Anna Webb for mentioning our involvement with Avenues For Hope in today’s article:
December 12, 2016: KTVB Viewpoint has an excellent segment which features Jodi Peterson as they discuss ways to manage and try to end homelessness in Boise:
December 12, 2016: Thank you to the Blue Review for the in-depth talk with Jodi Peterson about the struggle so many homeless people have to win their identity back, just a simple ID card can present a mountain-sized obstacle for many.
December 6, 2016: Thank you Morgan Boydston and KTVB-TV for covering the preparations for our first tree lighting at Interfaith Sanctuary! (it had to be rescheduled-darn snow day!)
December 3, 2016: Thank you Idaho Statesman and Katy Moeller for revisiting us one year later and for putting together such a thoughtful and in-depth look at the work we do at the shelter!
December 1, 2016: Calling all volunteers! Thank you Idaho Statesman and Anna Webb for mentioning our immediate volunteer needs!
November 25, 2016: Thank you Michelle Jenkins and Bonner County Daily Bee for giving us a nice mention in Tree Lighting ceremonies in Boise!
November 21, 2016: Thank you to Morgan Boydston at KTVB for telling Interfaith Sanctuary’s story regarding Cooper Court, one year later as we are at full overflow capacity nightly and have people sleeping on the sidewalks again.
November 17, 2016: Idaho Statesman lists all the cool tree lighting ceremonies including our FIRST annual tree lighting ceremony!
So cool, thanks, Idaho Statesman!
November 8, 2016: Idaho Business Review shares BBQ4Life’s 2nd anniversary where we were able to raise awareness and some needed funds!
November 4, 2016: Check out Volunteer Director Mark Henry and his good hair as Interfaith Sanctuary gets a shout out from the College of Idaho’s blog! Thank you to all who donated to the Pop-Up Thrift Shop-it was a fantastic event!
November 2, 2016: Thanks to Mix106 Jen Austin who is always shouting out our great news: Bishop Kelly high school is amazing and consistently show up to mentor arts for the kids at Interfaith Sanctuary and spend time with them!
October 2016: KIVI TV 6 on Your Side Tammy Scardino reports on our first annual Pop-Up Thrift shop!
October 30, 2016: KTVB TV Morgan Boydston reports on our Pop Up Thrift Shop and the fabulous Bishop Kelly teens who raised $10K for the kid’s playground with the Nagel Foundation!
October 2016: Boise Weekly Sammie Edge talks to Jodi Peterson about Boise homeless and politics:
October 2016: Radio FM 106 gives us a nice mention for the first annual Pop-Up Thrift Shop!
October 2016: The Idaho Statesman announces our Pop-Up Thrift Shop!
October 18, 2016: Thank you Idaho Business Review for the great Pop Up Thrift Shop mention:
October 2016: Thank you Idaho Statesman for the shout out on the Pop-Up!
October 2016: Jerry Sturgill gave us a HUGE check from his donors out of his own political donations! THANK YOU, Idaho Statesman for sharing this gift!
September 26, 2016: Thanks to Idaho Business Review for this great feature: A word with Jodi Peterson, co-director of Interfaith Sanctuary
A word with Jodi Peterson, co-director of Interfaith Sanctuary